The Interface Portlets are the front-end components of the Portal. They provide ways for users to interact with the portal. GateIn 3.2 provides the following Interface Portlets:
Banner Portlet
This Portlet contains the organization's slogan, logo, and icons.
HomePage Portlet
This Portlet is the home page for a portal. The home page is the first page displayed when you visit the site.
Navigation Portlet
This Portlet provides a navigation bar. A navigation bar is a menu that helps users to visualize the structure of a site and provide links to quickly move from page to page.
Sitemap Portlet
This Portlet displays a site map page of a web site. It lists pages on a website, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.
Breadcumbs Portlet
This Portlet displays the 'path' the user has taken from the home page to arrive at the currrent page.
Dashboard Portlet
This portlet is used for hosting mini-applications known as gadgets. The dashboard uses a variety of graphical effects for displaying, opening, and using gadgets.
Refer to Dashboard Portlet or GUG-Portlets and Gadgets Administration for more information.
Iframe Portlet
This Portlet is used to create inline frames (IFrame) elements for a site. An Iframe is a HTML element which can embed another document into a parent HTML document. By using IFrames, embedded data is displayed inside a sub-window of browser.
Gadget Wrapper Portlet
This Portlet allows users to view a gadget in canvas mode.
Footer Portlet
This Portlet provides the footer for a site. This footer provides information or links about the site's author/institutional sponsor, the date of the last revision made to the site, copyright information, comments form and navigational links.